
Latest version: v4.0.1

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- Drop support for end-of-life Python 3.6.
- Add Python 3.9 and 3.10 to the test matrix.
- Add Django 3.2 and 4.0 to the test matrix.
- Remove support for end-of-life Django 3.0 and 3.1.
- Add ability to tag emails



- Add support for Django 3.1.
- Add support for Black source code formatting
- Remove support for end-of-life Django 1.11, 2.0 and 2.1.
- Remove support for Python 3.5
- Migrate from Travis to GitHub Actions.



- Make verious improvements to ``tox`` test suite configuration.
- Fix ``send_messages`` so that it returns ``0`` when no messages are supplied.
- Move all module configuration to ``setup.cfg`` from ````.
- Upgrade ``moto``; stop making use of ``mock_ses_deprecated``.



- Bump version in ```` to match Git tags. No actual code changes
were made.



- Add support for Django 3.x and Python 3.8. No actual code changes were
- Add ``AWS_SES_CONFIGURATION_SET_NAME`` option to use a specific SES
configuration set.
- Drop support for Python 2.7 and 3.4.
- Fix double invocation of post message send signal.



- Add ``BotoCoreError`` to set of exceptions for ``fail_silently``.
- Reformat source code with `black`.

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