
Latest version: v3.2.0

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Authors are now able to see 'draft' (unpublished) versions of their blog entries.
Upgraded taggit to address an issue that was locking us to an older Django 1.7 version.


Fixed a bug where the Django 1.7.x migration for recent DB changes was somehow missed.


The author is now selectable when editing entries in the admin.
* The list is limited to superusers and anyone with an andablog Entry permission.
* The initial value is the current user.


Fixed a bug where the tags field was required in the admin.


Blog entries can now have tags
* The entry model now supports tags by way of the django-taggit package.
* This affects the model only, there are no template examples or tags.


**Backwards Incompatible with 0.1.0.**
This release includes a rename of the django app package from djangoandablog to andablog to better follow
community conventions. This of course is a very large breaking change, which is why the version is 1.0.
As this is the second version and we have been out such a short time. My hope is that few if any people
are using this app yet. If you are, please submit an issue on GitHub and I will try to help you migrate away.

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