Breaking changes
* **SendGrid:** Fix missing html or text template body when using `template_id` with
an empty Django EmailMessage body. In the (extremely-unlikely) case you were relying
on the earlier quirky behavior to *not* send your saved html or text template, you
may want to verify that your SendGrid templates have matching html and text.
(`docs <https://anymail.dev/en/stable/esps/sendgrid/#batch-sending-merge-and-esp-templates>`__
-- also see `32`_.)
* **Postmark:** Add support for `track_clicks`
(`docs <https://anymail.dev/en/stable/esps/postmark/#limitations-and-quirks>`__)
* Initialize AnymailMessage.anymail_status to empty status, rather than None;
clarify docs around `anymail_status` availability
(`docs <https://anymail.dev/en/stable/sending/anymail_additions/#esp-send-status>`__)