Well, Pypi won't let me upload there, it says:
HTTPError: 400 Client Error: This filename has already been used, use a different version. See https://pypi.org/help/#file-name-reuse for more information. for url: https://upload.pypi.org/legacy/
But I only see 3.6.0.dev0 and 3.6.0.dev1 and 3.7.0.dev0, I suppose I should
have done pre-releases on 3.6.dev0 and 3.7.dev0.
Anyway, it lets me upload on 3.8.0, one of the last 3.x releases !
But don't worry, 4.0 will not break anything, it will merely add a new
autocomplete script for people who want out of select2 or want something
more like what we had in DAL 1 & 2, it's here:
Demo: https://oss.yourlabs.me/autocomplete-light/
Source: https://yourlabs.io/oss/autocomplete-light
For those who remember, this solves *exactly* the same problems that
jquery-autocomplete-light did, except it's a lightweight StencilJS
WebComponent now.