
Latest version: v0.12.1

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* Fixing issue with models that have a selfreferencing ForeignKey field.
Thanks to Josh Fyne for the patch.



* Adding ``generators.WeightedGenerator`` for propabilistic selection of
values. Thanks to Jonathan Tien for the idea and patch.
* Supporting model inheritance. Thanks to Josh Fyne for the patch.



* Adding ``FirstNameGenerator`` and ``LastNameGenerator``. Thanks to Jonathan
Tien for the initial patch.
* Registered Autofixtures are used for models that are created for foreignkeys
and many to many relations. Thanks to Theo Spears for the report.



* Python 3 support! Though we had to drop Python 2.5 support. If you cannot
upgrade to Python 2.6 by yet, please consider using the 0.3.x versions of
By the way: by Python 3 support, I mean, that the test suite is running
without any errors. I have not tested yet the library in production for
Python 3. So please test and submit bug reports if you encounter any.



* ``DateTimeField`` receive timezone aware datetime objects now. Thanks to
Scott Woodall for the report and patch.
* Adding ``static_domain`` parameter to ``EmailGenerator`` to allow the
production of emails that will always have the same domain. Thanks to
mvdwaeter for the initial patch.



* ``field_values`` were not picked up if there was a default value assigned to
the field. Thanks to sirex for the report.

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