
Latest version: v0.2.0

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* Removed followers/friends templates
* Updated RU and UK language translations


* Added localization for RU and UK languages


* Added permissions for reading\writing\moderationg blogs. BlogUserAccess model added to capture access rules. Admin page for blog allows to edit access rules.
* Limits to post without cut added (use BLOG_SHORT_POST_MAX_LENGTH to control), default = 2048 symbols.
* Limits to size of cut added (use BLOG_CUT_MAX_LENGTH to control), default=2048 symbols.
* BLOG_CUT_TAG and BLOG_CUT_TAG_SYNONYMS are added to help customize tag that is used to cut post on tease and main content. defaults: '<hr class="redactor_cut">' as main cut tag, and <!--more--> as one synonym.
* Added encoding: utf-8 in all python files
* Added RatingField to Post. "django-ratings" app added to dependencies (I'll have mine own implementation of it shortly published).
* Migrations that remove some old models (that actually even wasn't in prev verision) and migrations to add rating fields added.

WARNING: templates are updated according with how we use them in, because of this they actually have a lot of specifics (like using django-themes to serve different themes, additional tags and etc). Consider them as an example for your own templates.


* Push new version to public repository



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