- Adds `bulbs/poll` application
Adding `"bulbs.poll"` to `INSTALLED_APPS` will
automatically add poll api routes to the `bulbs.api` routes
- Added `bulbs.poll.urls`
Adding `url(r'^', include('bulbs.poll.urls')),` creates a read-only
endpoint that exposes merged data from sodahead and our database.
It is accessible at `/poll/:poll_id/merged.json`
- Added `SODAHEAD_BASE_URL` to settings.
Most likely value is: `'https://onion.sodahead.com'`
- Added `SODAHEAD_TOKEN_VAULT_PATH` to settings.
In local/testing environments, this should be: `'sodahead/token'`
In production environments, this should be: `:property/sodahead/token`
ie: `starwipe/sodahead/token`.
In production, each app has it's own sodahead token, and all test
enviromnents share a sodahead token.
Vault is a credentials storage server:
<a href="https://www.vaultproject.io/">https://www.vaultproject.io/</a>
- Adds a vault client at: `bulbs.utils.vault`
`bulbs.utils.vault.read(path)` combines `VAULT_BASE_SECRET_PATH`
as a prefix to the passed in path and reads it from Vault.
- Adds vault test mocking at: `bulbs.utils.test.mock_vault`
See the implementation for documentation on mocking the vault in tests:
<a href="https://github.com/theonion/django-bulbs/blob/master/bulbs/utils/test/__init__.pyL131-L144">
- Added `VAULT_BASE_URL` to settings.
The base url of our Vault credentials store.
ie: 'http://hostname:8200/v1/'
- Added `VAULT_BASE_SECRET_PATH` to settings.
ie: `secrets/example`
- Added `VAULT_ACCESS_TOKEN` to settings.
ie: `very-secret-token`