* Renamed raw data zipfile as `raw.zip` to match the language on our revamped downloads page
* Upgrade to v2.0.0 of django-postgres-copy and refactor export commands accordingly * Require Django 1.10 or above * Correct documentation for a number of fields
* Deprecate `--test, --use-test-data` options from `updatecalaccessrawdata` command. * Renamed custom Django project setting `CALACCESS_DOWNLOAD_DIR` to `CALACCESS_DATA_DIR`. * Removed `CALACCESS_TEST_DOWNLOAD_DIR` project setting. * Extract and track any .TSV file regardless of location in download .ZIP directory tree.
Fix duplicate updates. Only create a new `RawDataVersion` if:
* `Content-length` from `HEAD` differs from `expected_size` on previous version, or, * `Last-modified` is at least five minutes more recent than `release_datetime` on previous version.
* Proceed with download of ZIP file as long as last-modified datetimes in `HEAD` and `GET` requests are within five minutes of each other.
* Django 1.11 compatibility. * Fix check for existing clean zipped file when resuming. * Fix message on response status code log. * Skip dropping/re-adding of database table constraints and indexes when loading into MySQL (`transactional DDL statements <https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Transactional_DDL_in_PostgreSQL:_A_Competitive_Analysis>`_ are not supported).