What's Changed
- Template/JS/CSS file can be specified as `str`, `bytes`, `FileLike`, `SafeString`, or a function that returns any of the other types.
- Support for [Django's "paths as objects"](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/5.0/topics/forms/media/#paths-as-objects) feature - when template/JS/CSS filepath is a "safe string" object (defines `__html__` method), then we do NOT try to resolve the filename.
- Override how JS/CSS paths are rendered into `<script>`/`<link>` tags by allowing you to provide your own subclass of [Django's Media class](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/5.0/topics/forms/media) via `Component.media_class`.
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/EmilStenstrom/django-components/compare/0.81...0.82