* Explicitly set `SECURE_HSTS_PRELOAD` * This is set to the default value, so behavior should not change * Set an increased `RESULTS_CACHE_SIZE` for django-debug-toolbar * The default size often is too small, causing an inability to view queries
* Allow templates to be rendered in testing without running `collectstatic`
* Add `django.contrib.humanize` to `INSTALLED_APPS`
* Change `DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD` back to the implicit default * This removes the need for a migration * Fix the suppression of `DEFAULT_HASHING_ALGORITHM` `ImproperlyConfigured` warnings
* Add the `DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD` setting from Django 3.2 * This may cause a migration * Prevent an `ImproperlyConfigured` warning from `DEFAULT_HASHING_ALGORITHM`
* Fix a bug where the check for running in Docker failed on macOS * Fix a bug in the log filters when sending HTTPS requests to the development server