* start deprecation of ``concurrency.core.VersionChangedError``, ``concurrency.core.RecordModifiedError``,
``concurrency.core.InconsistencyError``,moved in ``concurrency.exceptions``
* start deprecation of ``concurrency.core.apply_concurrency_check``, ``concurrency.core.concurrency_check`` moved in ``concurrency.api``
* added :setting:`CONCURRECY_SANITY_CHECK` settings entry
* signing of version number to avoid tampering (:ref:`concurrentform`)
* added :ref:`concurrencytestmixin` to help test on concurrency managed models
* changed way to add concurrency to existing models (:ref:`apply_concurrency_check`)
* fixed :issue:`4` (thanks FrankBie)
* removed RandomVersionField
* new `concurrency_check`
* added :ref:`concurrentform` to mitigate some concurrency conflict
* select_for_update now executed with ``nowait=True``
* removed some internal methods, to avoid unlikely but possible name clashes