- Allowed dragging text etc. inside the content editor (made the ``dragstart``
handling only trigger when dragging the title of fieldsets).
- Fixed a bug where overlong fieldset titles would cause wrapping, which made
the region move dropdown and the deletion UI elements inaccessible.
- Made the submit row sticky in content editors.
- Reworked the machine control to always add plugin buttons for all plugins and
removed the plugins dropdown and moved the control to the right hand side of
the editor to improve the visibility of plugin labels.
- Made it possible to drag several content blocks at once.
- Made it possible to directly insert plugins in the middle of the content, not
just at the end.
- Added a bundled copy of `Google's Material Icons library
<https://fonts.google.com/icons>`__ for use in the editor.
- Stopped overflowing the content editor horizontally when using (very) long
descriptions for content blocks.
- Changed the transitions to avoid ugly artefacts when switching regions.
- Stopped merging unknown regions into one tab.
- Fixed one instance of a slightly timing-dependent initialization.
- Added Python 3.10, Django 4.0rc1 to the CI.