Django average: 3.12 ms
- Cotton before: 3.16 ms
- Cotton after: 3.04 ms
✅ Cotton performs on-par with Django when used as partial inclusion.
⚠️ Possible breaking changes:
- Boolean attributes were previously triggered even when an attribute had an intentional empty srtring:
<c-comp myattr />
<c-comp myattr="" />
<c-comp :myattr="i_evaluate_as_empty_string" />
{{ myattr }} <!-- All cases above parse as True
This has now been fixed and only valueless attributes will render as True. Although this was unintentional, some of you may have relied on this defunct behaviour, so be sure to test.
* Support quoted json-like values in {{ attrs }} by mattbha in https://github.com/wrabit/django-cotton/pull/137
* updated render benchmarks by wrabit in https://github.com/wrabit/django-cotton/pull/138
* Support proper boolean attributes by wrabit in https://github.com/wrabit/django-cotton/pull/139
* Tags rewrite + optimisations (up to 28% faster) by wrabit in
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/wrabit/django-cotton/compare/v0.9.40...v1.0.0