**NOTE**: The upgrade to version 0.8.0 makes database migrations in the way that financial records are kept that are not designed to be reversed. It is *strongly* recommended that you backup your site's database immediately before upgrading.
- **NEW**: Pay at the door payment processor app that allows customers to commit to pay at the door, and individuals running registration at the door to rapidly process at-the-door cash payments.
- Substantial under-the-hood improvements to the way in which financial records keep track of transaction parties.
- Month and weekday names now sort logically rather than alphabetically in EventListPlugin as well as registration pages.
- New site-history helper function that improves UX in the admin by redirecting users back to the appropriate previous pages.
- Fixed issues with Square point-of-sale and refund processing callbacks arising from an API change.
- Fixed version incompatibility with Django-easy-pdf (for gift certificates)