* Fix: Adding error handling for any tinker that tries to insert random pk. * Feature: Compatibility with Django up to version 1.10. * Feature: Add RequestContext to render_to_response calls
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* Fix: Running tests against Django>=1.7. * Feature: Running travis-ci for multiple version of django. * Fix: Handle ``LookupError`` on getting models. * Feature: More documentation. * Feature: Change version numbering to date based.
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* Fix pagination * Add many unit-tests
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* Feature 11: Testing with sTravis-ci * Fix OneToOneField support and then Model Inheritance
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* Added ChangeLog. * Fixed 1: i18n in templates. * Fixed 3: Transifex for translation. * Added locale file, and ready to translate. * Fixed 9: A bug in ordering template tags, and sites.py. * Fixed 8: Added Pagination.