------------------ - Use filtered queryset to calculate stats, allow blank on nullable fields. [Jens Nistler] - Added manage.py command to delete ghost results. [Bogdan Radko]
------------------ - Release 0.1.5. [Jens Nistler] - Remember dashboard form data in session. [Jens Nistler] - Rename model "Check" to "Result" [Bogdan Radko] - Updated readme file. Scheduler is now able to run checks with not defined 'run_every' attribute. [Bogdan Radko]
------------------ - Rename danger to critical, fix scheduler, include django-bootstrap in bundle to fix the default templates. [Jens Nistler] - Changed message text at example/dashboard.html when there are no checks found. [Bogdan Radko] - Added anchors to example/dashboard.html. [Bogdan Radko]
------------------ - Include templates and locales in bundle. [Jens Nistler]
------------------ - Include subpackages in bundle. [Jens Nistler]