
Latest version: v4.0

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.. warning::

This is a backwards-incompatible release!

* Dropped support for Python 2.7 and Django < 3.2.

* Added support for Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10.

* Moved test runner to GitHub Actions:

* Django 4.x support



.. warning::

This is a backwards-incompatible release!

* Dropped support for Django < 1.11.

* Added support for Django 2.0 and 2.1.

* Added support for Python 3.7.

* Recompiled Russian locale.

* Fixed byte string in migration file that caused the migration
system to falsely think that there are new changes.

* Fixed string representation of template model, e.g. to improve
readability in choice fields.



.. warning::

This is a backwards-incompatible release!

* Moved maintenance to the `Jazzband <>`_

* Dropped support for Python 2.6

* Added support for Python 3.4 and 3.5

* Dropped support for Django < 1.8

* Removed South migrations. Please use Django's native migration system instead

* Removed the example project since it's out-of-date quickly



* support for Django 1.8 (not full, but usable)
* support for RedactorJS

thanks for contrib - eculver, kmooney, volksman



* Minor release to move away from nose again and use own

.. _`django-discover-runner`:



* Dropped support for Django < 1.3 **backwards incompatible**

* Dropped using versiontools in favor of home made solution.

* Added optional support for TinyMCE editor instead of the CodeMirror
editor (just enable ``DBTEMPLATES_USE_TINYMCE``).

* Fixed compatibility to Django 1.4's handling of the ``DATABASES``
setting. Should also respect database routers now.

* Fixed an issue of the cache key generation in combination with
memcache's inability to stomach spaces.

* Moved test runner to use nose_ and a hosted CI project at Travis_:

.. _nose:
.. _Travis:

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