------------------ * Refactor serialization to improve performance through reduced number of database queries, especially on sub/unsub. * Fix login/logout user subscription, now emitting user `added`/ `removed` upon `login`/`logout` respectively.
------------------ * Use OrderedDict for geventwebsocket.Resource spec to support geventwebsockets 0.9.4 and above.
------------------ * Send `removed` messages when client unsubscribes from publications. * Add support for SSL options and --settings=SETTINGS args in dddp tool. * Add `optional` and `label` attributes to ManyToManyField simple schema. * Check order of added/changed when emitting WebSocket frames rather than when queuing messages. * Move test projects into path that can be imported post install.
------------------ * Refactor pub/sub functionality to fix support for `removed` messages.
------------------ * Bugfix issue where DDP connection thread stops sending messages after changing item that has subscribers for other connections but not self.
------------------ * Fix `createUser` method to login new user after creation. * Dump stack trace to console on error for easier debugging DDP apps. * Fix handing of F expressions in object change handler. * Send `nosub` in response to invalid subscription request. * Per connection tracking of sent objects so changed/added sent appropriately.