``dj`` is now more intelligent about looking for 'urls' and 'settings' submodules in Django projects. As well as normal ``<module>.py`` files, it also looks for ``<module>/__init__.py``, and checks for alternate file extensions (``.pyo``/ ``.pyc``).
Python 3 is now supported as well.
dj no longer modifies the global logging config. Previously Django error logs were shown when they would usually be hidden.
Added support for finding Django projects from sibling directories. If dj finds a .djangoproject file while searching parent directories it performs a full search of the subtree.
No longer uses manage.py, dj finds Django projects, sets up the PYTHONPATH and DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE envar and runs the Django manage tool directly.
Initial (unreleased) version, just a way to run manage.py without explicitly referencing it.