* Fixed dashboard module buttons mobile layout misplacement
* Fixed double tap menu issue for iOS devices
* Fixed changelist footer from fixed position transition
* Fixed system messages style
* Fixed jQuery UI base styles broken image paths
* Issue-69, 72: Updated checkboxes without label UI (thanks to h00p, JuniorLima for report)
* Issue-89: Fixed multiple admin sites support (thanks to sysint64 for report)
* Added missing locale files to PyPI package (thanks to SalahAdDin for report)
* Issue-49: Fixed AppList and ModelList models/exclude parsers (thanks to eltismerino for report)
* Issue-50: Fixed pinned application user filtering (thanks to eltismerino for report)
* Fixed empty branding visibility
* Fixed IE dashboard list items wrapping
* Fixed IE sidebar popup items spacing
* Fixed dashboard module wrong height after animation
* Fixed dashboard module change form breadcrumbs
* Improved paginator 'show all' layout
* Updated documentation
* Added support for filters with multiple select