.. note::
Release supported by `Goldmund, Wyldebeast & Wunderliebe
.. note::
This release contain minor backwards incompatible changes. You should
update your code.
- (1) ``BaseDocumentViewSet`` (which from now on does not contain
``suggest`` functionality) has been renamed to ``DocumentViewSet``
(which does contain ``suggest`` functionality).
- (2) You should no longer import from
``django_elasticsearch_dsl_drf.views``. Instead, import from
- Deprecated ``django_elasticsearch_dsl_drf.views`` in favour
of ``django_elasticsearch_dsl_drf.viewsets``.
- Suggest action/method has been moved to ``SuggestMixin`` class.
- ``FunctionalSuggestMixin`` class introduced which resembled functionality
of the ``SuggestMixin`` with several improvements/additions, such as
advanced filtering and context-aware suggestions.
- You can now define a default suggester in ``suggester_fields`` which will
be used if you do not provide suffix for the filter name.