
Latest version: v8.0

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* Support elasticsearch-dsl>6.3.0
* Class `Meta` has changed to class `Django` (See PR 136)
* Add `register_document` decorator to register a document (See PR 136)
* Additional Bug fixing and others


* Limit elastsearch-dsl to supported versions


* Add Support for Elasticsearch 6 thanks to HansAdema

Breaking Change:
Django string fields now point to ES text field by default.
Nothing should change for ES 2.X but if you are using ES 5.X,
you may need to rebuild and/or update some of your documents.


* Fix prepare with related models when deleted (See PR 99)
* Fix unwanted calls to get_instances_from_related
* Fix for empty ArrayField (CBinyenya)
* Fix nested OneToOneField when related object doesn't exist (CBinyenya)
* Update elasticsearch-dsl minimal version


* Fix to_queryset with es 5.0/5.1


* Fix syncing of related objects when deleted
* Add django 2.0 support

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