
Latest version: v1.2

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**Feature**: Python 3 support.

Django Endless Pagination Angular supports both Python 2 and **Python 3**. Dropped
support for Python 2.5. See :doc:`start` for the new list of requirements.


**Feature**: the **JavaScript refactoring**.

This version replace Jquery by Angular.Js a re-designed Ajax support for pagination. It was removed file
``static/endless_pagination/js/endless-pagination.js`` and replaced for ``static/endless_pagination/js/module.endless.js``.


.. code-block:: html+django

{% block js %}
{{ block.super }}
<script src=""></script>
<script src="{{ STATIC_URL }}endless_pagination/js/module.endless.js"></script>
{% endblock %}

The last line in the block above enables Ajax requests to retrieve new
pages for each pagination in the page. That's basically the same as the old
approach of loading the file ``endless_pagination.js``. The new approach, however,
is more increases the flexibility thank you to Angular.js.

This application not is compatibility with older version of django-endless-pagination.

Please refer to the :doc:`javascript` for a detailed overview of the new
features and for instructions on :ref:`how to migrate<javascript-migrate>` from
the old JavaScript files to the new one.


**Feature**: the :ref:`page_templates<multiple-page-templates>` decorator
also accepts a sequence of ``(template, key)`` pairs, functioning as a dict
mapping templates and keys (still present), e.g.::

from endless_pagination.decorators import page_templates

('myapp/entries_page.html', None),
('myapp/other_entries_page.html', 'other_entries_page'),
def entry_index():

This also supports serving different paginated objects with the same template.


**Feature**: ability to provide nested context variables in the
:ref:`templatetags-paginate` and :ref:`templatetags-lazy-paginate` template
tags, e.g.:

.. code-block:: html+django

{% paginate entries.all as myentries %}

The code above is basically equivalent to:

.. code-block:: html+django

{% with entries.all as myentries %}
{% paginate myentries %}
{% endwith %}

In this case, and only in this case, the `as` argument is mandatory, and a
*TemplateSyntaxError* will be raised if the variable name is missing.


**Feature**: the page list object returned by the
:ref:`templatetags-get-pages` template tag has been improved adding the
following new methods:

.. code-block:: html+django

{ whether the page list contains more than one page }
{{ pages.paginated }}

{ the 1-based index of the first item on the current page }
{{ pages.current_start_index }}

{ the 1-based index of the last item on the current page }
{{ pages.current_end_index }}

{ the total number of objects, across all pages }
{{ pages.total_count }}

{ the first page represented as an arrow }
{{ pages.first_as_arrow }}

{ the last page represented as an arrow }
{{ pages.last_as_arrow }}

In the *arrow* representation, the page label defaults to ``<<`` for the first
page and to ``>>`` for the last one. As a consequence, the labels of the
previous and next pages are now single brackets, respectively ``<`` and ``>``.
First and last pages' labels can be customized using
``settings.ENDLESS_PAGINATION_LAST_LABEL``: see :doc:`customization`.


**Feature**: The sequence returned by the callable
``settings.ENDLESS_PAGINATION_PAGE_LIST_CALLABLE`` can now contain two new

- *'first'*: will display the first page as an arrow;
- *'last'*: will display the last page as an arrow.

The :ref:`templatetags-show-pages` template tag documentation describes how to
customize Digg-style pagination defining your own page list callable.

When using the default Digg-style pagination (i.e. when
``settings.ENDLESS_PAGINATION_PAGE_LIST_CALLABLE`` is set to *None*), it is
possible to enable first / last page arrows by setting the new flag


**Feature**: ``settings.ENDLESS_PAGINATION_PAGE_LIST_CALLABLE`` can now be
either a callable or a **dotted path** to a callable, e.g.::


In addition to the default, ``endless_pagination.utils.get_page_numbers``, an
alternative implementation is now available:
``endless_pagination.utils.get_elastic_page_numbers``. It adapts its output
to the number of pages, making it arguably more usable when there are many
of them. To enable it, add the following line to your ````::



**Feature**: ability to create a development and testing environment
(see :doc:`contributing`).


**Feature**: in addition to the ability to provide a customized pagination
URL as a context variable, the :ref:`templatetags-paginate` and
:ref:`templatetags-lazy-paginate` tags now support hardcoded pagination URL
endpoints, e.g.:

.. code-block:: html+django

{% paginate 20 entries with "/mypage/" %}


**Feature**: ability to specify negative indexes as values for the
``starting from page`` argument of the :ref:`templatetags-paginate` template

When changing the default page, it is now possible to reference the last page
(or the second last page, and so on) by using negative indexes, e.g:

.. code-block:: html+django

{% paginate entries starting from page -1 %}

See :doc:`templatetags_reference`.


**Documentation**: general clean up.


**Documentation**: added a :doc:`contributing` page. Have a look!


**Documentation**: included a comprehensive :doc:`javascript`.


**Fix**: ``endless_pagination.views.AjaxListView`` no longer subclasses
``django.views.generic.list.ListView``. Instead, the base objects and
mixins composing the final view are now defined by this app.

This change eliminates the ambiguity of having two separate pagination
machineries in place: the Django Endless Pagination Angular one and the built-in
Django ``ListView`` one.


**Fix**: the *using* argument of :ref:`templatetags-paginate` and
:ref:`templatetags-lazy-paginate` template tags now correctly handles
querystring keys containing dashes, e.g.:

.. code-block:: html+django

{% lazy_paginate entries using "entries-page" %}


**Fix**: replaced namespace ``endless_pagination.paginator`` with
``endless_pagination.paginators``: the module contains more than one
paginator classes.


**Fix**: in some corner cases, loading ``endless_pagination.models`` raised
an *ImproperlyConfigured* error while trying to pre-load the templates.


**Fix**: replaced doctests with proper unittests. Improved the code coverage
as a consequence. Also introduced integration tests exercising JavaScript,
based on Selenium.


**Fix**: overall code lint and clean up.

**Feature**: added ability to avoid Http requests when multiple pagination
is used.

A template for multiple pagination with Http support may look like this
(see :doc:`multiple_pagination`):

.. code-block:: html+django

<body ng-app="EndlessPagination">
<div class="endless_page_template" endless-pagination>
{% include "myapp/entries_page.html" %}

<h2>Other entries:</h2>
<div class="endless_page_template" endless-pagination>
{% include "myapp/other_entries_page.html" %}

{% block js %}
<script src=""></script>
<script src="{{ STATIC_URL }}endless_pagination/js/module.endless.js"></script>
{% endblock %}

But what if you need Ajax pagination for *entries* but not for *other entries*?
You will only have to add a class named ``endless_page_skip`` to the
page container element, e.g.:

.. code-block:: html+django

<h2>Other entries:</h2>
<div class="endless_page_template endless_page_skip" endless-pagination>
{% include "myapp/other_entries_page.html" %}


**Feature**: implemented a class-based generic view allowing
Ajax pagination of a list of objects (usually a queryset).

Intended as a substitution of *django.views.generic.ListView*, it recreates
the behaviour of the *page_template* decorator.

For a complete explanation, see :doc:`generic_views`.


**Fix**: tests are now compatible with Django 1.3.



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