* Security patch (https://github.com/django-cms/django-filer/pull/1352): While admin options shown correctly represented the user rights, some admin end-points were available directly. A staff user without any permissions could browse the filer folder structure, list files in a folder, add files, and move files and folders.
Not secure
================== * Add Django 4.1 support * Add python 3.11 tests * Fix thumbnail generation for SVG images when used as a Divio addon.
Not secure
================== * Fix CSS styles (Modified SCSS had to be recompiled).
* Fix: Define a ``default_auto_field`` as part of the app config.
Not secure
* Improve the list view of Folder permissions. * Fix: Folder permissions were disabled for descendants, if parent folder has type set to CHILDREN. * The input field for Folder changes from a standard HTML select element to a very wide autocomplete field, showing the complete path in Filer. * Fix: Upload invalid SVG file. * Add support for Python-3.10. * Switch theme for readthedocs to Furo. * Fix: 404 error when serving thumbnail. * Experimental support for Django-4.