
Latest version: v1.9.0

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* `156`_: The ``min``, ``max``, ``step`` attributes for ``DecimalField`` and
``FloatField`` were localized which can result in invalid values (rendering
``0.01`` as ``0,01`` in respective locales). Those attributes won't get
localized anymore. Thanks to Yannick Chabbert for the fix.

.. _156:



* `FloatField`` now fills in ``min``, ``max``, and ``step`` attributes to match
the behaviour of `DecimalField`. Leaving out the ``step`` attribute would
result in widgets that only allow integers to be filled in (HTML 5 default
for ``step`` is ``1``).



* `148`_: Added support for custom ``label_suffix`` arguments in forms and fields.
* The contents in ``floppyforms/input.html`` is now wrapped in a ``{% block
content %}`` for easier extending.
* `70`_: `DecimalField`` now fills in ``min``, ``max``, and ``step`` attributes for
better client side validation. Use the ``novalidate`` attribute on your
``<form>`` tag to disable HTML5 input validation in the browser. Thanks to
caacree for the patch.

.. _148:
.. _70:



* Fixed source distribution to include all files in



* Every widget is now using its own template. Previously all widgets that are
based on the HTML ``<input>`` tag used the generic ``floppyforms/input.html``
template. Now the widgets each have a custom element for easier
customisation. For example ``CheckboxInput`` now uses
``floppyforms/checkbox.html`` instead of ``floppyforms/input.html``. See
`Widgets reference
for a complete list of available widgets and which templates they use.

* Adjusting the SRIDs used in the GeoDjango widgets to conform with
Django 1.7. Thanks to Tyler Tipton for the patch.

* Python 3.2 is now officially supported.

* Django 1.8 is now officially supported. django-floppyforms no longers
triggers Django deprecation warnings.

* Adding `OpenLayers`_ distribution to django-floppyforms static files in order
to better support HTTPS setups when GIS widgets are used (See 15 for more

* Fix: ``python bdist_rpm`` failed because of wrong string encodings
in Thanks to Yuki Izumi for the fix.

* Fix: The ``CheckboxInput`` widget did detect different values in Python 2
when given ``'False'`` and ``u'False'`` as data. Thanks to artscoop for the

* Fix: ``MultipleChoiceField`` can now correctly be rendered as hidden field by
using the ``as_hidden`` helper in the template. That was not working
previously as there was no value set for ``MultipleChoiceField.hidden_widget``.

.. _OpenLayers:



* DateInput widget renders hardcoded "%Y-%m-%d" format. We don't allow custom
formats there since the "%Y-%m-%d" format is what browsers are submitting
with HTML5 date input fields. Thanks to Bojan Mihelac for the patch.

* Adding ``supports_microseconds`` attribute to all relevant widget classes.
Thanks to Stephen Burrows for the patch.

* Using a property for ``Widget.is_hidden`` attribute on widgets to be in
conformance with Django 1.7 default widget implementation.

* The docs mentioned that the current ``ModelForm`` behaviour in
``floppyforms.__future__`` will become the default in 1.3. This is postpone
for one release and will be part of 1.4.

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