
Latest version: v3.0.2

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* Fixed showing "View on site" link for draft pages, since staff has access to it.
* Fixed ``node.is_child_active`` for selected parent menu's.
* Fixed applying ``FLUENT_PAGES_FILTER_SITE_ID`` setting in the admin.
* Improved ``RobotsTxtView`` to handle ``i18n_patterns()`` automatically.

Changes as of 1.0b2 (2016-02-23)

* Fixed published admin icon for Django 1.9
* Fixed truncating long ``db_table`` names.
* Added ``class="active"`` in the default menu template for menu's where a child item is active.
* Added automatic configuration for django-staff-toolbar_.

Changes as of version 1.0b1 (2015-12-30)

* Added Django 1.9 support
* Added translation support to the ``fluent_pages.pagetypes.textfile`` type, to translate the content (but not the type).
* Added ``draft`` CSS class to unpublished menu items that are only visible for staff members.
* Added ``FluentPagesConfig`` to use Django 1.7 appconfigs.
* Added multiple fallback language support for django-parler_ 1.5.
* Added ``make_language_redirects`` management command for redirecting an unmaintained language to another.
* Added ``is_child_active`` variable in ``PageNavigationNode`` for menu templates.
* Added django-slug-preview_ for nicer slug appearance in the admin.
* Improve error messages when URLs can't be created.
* Improve performance of ``PageSitemap`` for sites with a lot of pages.
* Temporary fix: Block moving pages to untranslated sub nodes, until a design decision can be made how to handle this.
* Temporary fix: Hide subpages when searching in the admin, to avoid errors with partial MPTT trees.
* Fixed Django 1.8 issues in the "Change Page" view.
* Fixed migrations to prevent Django from creating additional ones when settings change.
* Fixed silent behavior of using ``.parent_site()`` too late in an already filtered queryset.
* Fixed unicode handling in ``rebuild_page_tree``.
* Fixed importing ``mixed_reverse_lazy()`` from django settings.
* Fixed showing pages when there is no translation is created yet.
* Fixed JavaScript event binding for dynamic related-lookup fields.
* Fixed ``welcome.json`` fixture
* Dropped Django 1.4 and Python 3.2 support.
* **Backwards incompatible:** The ``FluentPageBase`` class is now removed, use ``AbstractFluentPage`` instead.



* Added Django 1.8 support
* Non-published pages can now be seen by staff members
* Fix initial migrations on MySQL with InnoDB/utf8 charset.
* Fix missing ``robots.txt`` in the PyPI package.
* Fix behavior of ``Page.objects.language(..).get_for_path()`` and ``best_match_for_path()``, use the currently selected language.
This is similar to django-parler_'s ``TranslatableModel.objects.language(..).create(..)`` support.
* Fix skipping mount-points in ``app_reverse()`` when the root is not translated.
* **Backwards incompatible** with previous beta releases: split the ``fluent_pages.integration.fluent_contents`` package.
You'll need to import from the ``.models.``, ``.admin`` and ``.page_type_plugins`` explicitly.
This removes many cases where projects suffered from circular import errors.

Released in 0.9c1 (2015-01-19)

* Fix deleting pages which have SEO fields filled in (the ``HtmlPageTranslation`` model).
* Fix ``UrlNode.DoesNotExist`` exception when using ``{% render_breadcrumb %}`` on 404 pages.
* Change ``slug`` size to 100 characters.
* Added ``RobotsTxtView`` for easier sitemaps integration
* Added ``FluentContentsPage.create_placeholder(slot)`` API.
* Added ``--mptt-only`` option to `` rebuild_page_tree`` command.
* Added lazy-resolver functions: ``app_reverse_lazy()`` / ``mixed_reverse_lazy()``.

Released in 0.9b4 (2014-11-06)

* Fix South migrations for flexible ``AUTH_USER_MODEL``

Released in 0.9b3 (2014-11-06)

* Added preliminary Django 1.7 support, migrations are not fully working yet.
* Added translation support for the SEO fields (meta keywords/description/title) and redirect URL.
* All base models are proxy models now; there will be no more need to update south migrations in your own apps.
* Added ``fluent_pages.integration.fluent_contents`` to simplify creating custom
* Added ``CurrentPageMixin`` and ``CurrentPageTemplateMixin`` for custom views.
* Added ``HtmPage.meta_robots`` property to automatically add ``noindex`` to pages outside the sitemaps.
* Added ``in_sitemaps`` flag, which is now false for the ``RedirectNode`` by default.
pagetypes that reuse the django-fluent-contents_ integration that the ``fluent_pages.pagetypes.fluentpage`` has.
* Fixed stale translated ``ContentItem`` objects from django-fluent-contents_ when deleting a translation of a page.
* Fixed support for: future >= 0.13.
* Fixed support for: django-polymorphic >= 0.6.
* Fixed support for: django-parler >= 1.2.
* API: use ``FluentContentsPage`` instead of ``AbstractFluentPage``.

Upgrade notices:

Due to Django 1.7 support, the following changes had to be made:

* ``fluent_pages.admin`` is renamed to ``fluent_pages.adminui``.
* South 1.0 is now required to run the migrations (or set ``SOUTH_MIGRATION_MODULES`` for all plugins).

Secondly, there were database changes to making the SEO-fields translatable.
Previously, the SEO fields were provided by abstract models, requiring projects to upgrade their apps too.

All translated SEO fields are now managed in a single table, which is under the control of this app.
Fortunately, this solves any future migration issues for changes in the ``HtmlPage`` model.

If your page types inherited from ``HtmlPage``, ``FluentContentsPage`` or it's old name ``FluentPage``,
you'll have to migrate the data of your apps one more time.
The bundled pagetypes have two migrations for this: ``move_seo_fields`` and ``remove_untranslatad_fields``.
The first migration moves all data to the ``HtmlPageTranslation`` table (manually added to the datamigration).
The second migration can simply by generated with ``./ schemamigration <yourapp> --auto "remove_untranslatad_fields"``.

If you have overridden ``save_translation()`` in your models, make sure to check for ``translation.related_name``,
as both the base object and derived object translations are passed through this method now.

The ``SeoPageMixin`` from 0.9b1 was removed too, instead inherit directly from ``HtmlPage``.

Released in 0.9b2 (2014-06-28)

* Added Python 3 support!
* Added ``key`` field to allow linking to specific user-created pages (e.g. a Terms and Conditions page).
This feature is only visible when ``FLUENT_PAGES_KEY_CHOICES`` is configured.
* Fix support for ``i18n_patterns()`` in the ``override_url`` field.
* Added ``hide_untranslated_menu_items`` setting in ``FLUENT_PAGES_LANGUAGES`` / ``PARLER_LANGUAGES``.
* Added ``page`` variable for menu items in ``PageNavigationNode``.
* Add "change Override URL permission" flag.
South users: run `` syncdb --all`` to create the permission
* Fix resolving pages under their fallback language URL when a translated URL does exist.
* Fix exception in ``PageNavigationNode.has_children``.
* Fix moving pages in the admin list (changes were undone).
* Fix missing "ct_id" GET parmeter for Django 1.6 when filtering in the admin (due to the ``_changelist_filters`` parameter).
* Updated dependencies to their Python 3 compatible versions.
* Optimize queries for rendering menu's

* nodes without children no need a query in ``PageNavigationNode.children``.
* avoid polymorphic behavior for child menu nodes (unless the parent node was polymorphic).

Released in 0.9b1 (2014-04-14)

* Added multisite support.
* Added multilingual support, using django-parler_.
* Added hooks for patching the admin; ``FLUENT_PAGES_PARENT_ADMIN_MIXIN`` and ``FLUENT_PAGES_CHILD_ADMIN_MIXIN``.
Note that using this feature is comparable to monkey-patching, and future compatibility can't be fully guanteed.
* Added "Can change Shared fields" permission for all page types.
* Added "Can change Page layout" permission for ``fluent_pages.pagetypes.fluentpage``.
* Allow ``formfield_overrides`` to contain field names too.
* API: added ``SeoPageMixin`` model with ``meta_title``, ``meta_keywords`` and ``meta_description`` fields.
* API: renamed ``FluentPageBase`` to ``AbstractFluentPage``.
* API: added ``get_view_response`` to the ``PageTypePlugin`` class, allow adding middleware to custom views.
* API: **Backwards incompatible:** when inheriting from the abstract ``HtmlPage`` model, your app needs a South migration.
* Fixed calling ``reverse()`` on the resolved page urls.
* Dropped Django 1.3 and 1.4 support.

Upgrade notices:

* When using custom page types that inherit from inherited from ``HtmlPage``, ``FluentPageBase`` or ``FluentContentsPage``,
please add a South migration to your application to handle the updated fields.

* The ``keywords`` field was renamed to ``meta_keywords``.
* The ``description`` field was renamed to ``meta_description``.
* The ``meta_title`` field was added.
* The South ``rename_column`` function can be used in the migration::

db.rename_column('your_model_table', 'keywords', 'meta_keywords')
db.rename_column('your_model_table', 'description', 'meta_description')

* API: renamed ``FluentPageBase`` to ``FluentContentsPage``.
The old name is still available.



* Add support of django-polymorphic 0.6.
* Add ``page`` variable for menu items in ``PageNavigationNode``.



* Add ``FLUENT_PAGES_DEFAULT_IN_NAVIGATION`` setting to change the "in navigation" default value.
* Fix django-mptt_ 0.6 support.
* Fix using `{% appurl %}` for modules with multiple results.
* Widen "modification date" column, to support other languages.



* Added intro page for empty sites.
* Support Django 1.6 transaction management.
* Fix NL translation of "Slug".
* Fix the admin redirect for application URLs (e.g. ``/page/app-url/admin`` should redirect to ``/page/app-url/``).
* Fix URL dispatcher for app urls when a URL prefix is used (e.g. ``/en/..``)
* Fix Django 1.5 custom user model support in migrations



* Fix running at Django 1.6 alpha 1
* Remove filtering pages by SITE_ID in ``PageChoiceField`` as there is no proper multi-site support yet.
* Remove ``X-Object-Type`` and ``X-Object-Id`` headers as Django 1.6 removed it due to caching issues.

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