- Improved Document Ready mode functionalities and alignment improvements, such as:
- iFrame styling parity.
- Improved alignment and displaying inline images.
- Improved Toolbar alignment and placeholder in Document Ready mode.
- Enhanced copy and paste capabilities, including:
- Style / format maintained in lists and tables when pasted into the editor.
- Improved copying, pasting lists, creating indentation and styling.
- Improved content editing functionalities, such as adding descriptive text, dragging, select, delete and copy/paste formatted text inside the editor.
- Users can now designate whether content is editable.
- Enhanced superscript and subscript text editing feature.
- Improved Font awesome icons.
- Improved text inside table feature.
- Hitting backspace won’t delete the line break anymore.
- Improved video upload and embedding features in iOS and alignment issues in safari browser
- Improved embedly integration.
- Improved dropdown in android.
- Enhanced captioning and resizing in feature images.
- Improved alignment of toolbar over the text areas.
- More minor bug fixes like HTMLallowed, enhanced read property of ‘nextSibling’ defined, improved enter/return Key behavior and resolved tab issues inside <BR>tag.