----- * A sad fix: forgot to declare Python 3.10 support in ``pyproject.toml`` * Also, added a new test for manager, that revealed a bug with queryset on ``Django 3.2+`` * Does not use Python 2.x syntax for ``super()`` anymore
* Dropped all the environments excced end of support: Python 3.5 and older, Django 2.1 and lower; * Get rid of some legacy; * Switched on poetry instead of pipenv. * Added support for Django 3.2
* Fixed a bug with customized ``save()`` method on a model class. Thank volody2006 for reporting * Moved all the regression tests into a separated file
* Fixed a bug with ``allowed_content_types`` when referencing to a model whose name is the beginning of another one (reported by busy) * Added ``bump2version``