This is the first major release and there are some potentially breaking changes noted below.
* Refactor of parsing code giving ~40% performance improvement
* Added support for HTML style attribute dictionaries, e.g. `%span(foo="bar")`
* Improved error reporting from parser to help find problems in your templates
* Fixed attribute values not being able to include braces (https://github.com/nyaruka/django-hamlpy/issues/39)
* Fixed attribute values which are Haml not being able to have blank lines (https://github.com/nyaruka/django-hamlpy/issues/41)
* Fixed sequential `with` tags ended up nested (https://github.com/nyaruka/django-hamlpy/issues/23)
* Fixed templatize patching for Django 1.9+
* Changed support for `={..}` style expressions to be disabled by default (https://github.com/nyaruka/django-hamlpy/issues/16)
* Removed support for `=` comment syntax
* Project now maintained by Nyaruka (https://github.com/nyaruka)
Breaking Changes
* Support for `={...}` variable substitutions is deprecated and disabled by default, but can be enabled by setting
`HAMLPY_DJANGO_INLINE_STYLE` to `True` if you are using the template loaders, or specifying --django-inline if you are
using the watcher script. The preferred syntax for variable substitutions is `{...}` as this is actual Haml and is
less likely conflict with other uses of the `=` character.
* The `= ...` comment syntax is no longer supported. This is not Haml and was never documented anywhere. You should use
the `- ...` syntax instead.
* Any line beginning with a colon is interpreted as a filter, so if this is not the case, you should escape the colon,
e.g. `\:not-a-filter `