
Latest version: v0.3.3

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* Yaroslav Klyuyev <> made some improvements
to the code regarding Django templates and i18n. See the pull request
on github:



* Yaroslav Klyuyev <> suggested using django
templates to build calendar cells. Some reverse incompatible changes were
introduced: please read "Update from 0.2 to 0.3" section in README.
New "features":

* Default django setting "TIME_FORMAT" is used by default. Custom values for
CALENDAR_TIME_FORMAT must be changed to new notation

* popover contents in data-content are properly escaped. Previously it was
possible to break layout by using ``"`` (double quotation marks) in
description or locations

* i18n is used for all parts of calendar (no translations provided)

* calendar style maybe customized just by overriding templates: no subclassing
is needed anymore



* Bob Bowles <> suggested using an empty
string as the default locale (which means the system locale will be
used) instead of en_US in utils/ Seems like a good idea
so I made the change. Also updated readme to emphasize that the
locale can be specified via CALENDAR_LOCALE setting in



* added 'current_happenings' template tag to display events that are
happening now.
* created a template partial called happening_events.html for the new tag.
It resembles upcoming_events.html.
* added .is_happening(now) function in models, so that you can call
event.is_happening(now) to see if the event is happening 'now' (where
'now' is an optional datetime, and by default is right now)
* added tests for the new 'current_happenings' tag, but I was getting
a strange invocation error when I tried to put the tests into their
own file, so I stuck the tests in with upcoming_events tests.



* Tomek Główka <> added a django18 test environment,
adjusted some tests, and cleared the way for Django 1.8 support.



* Yaroslav Klyuyev <> contibuted the following:
* added Django 1.7 support
* added CALENDAR_TIME_FORMAT optional setting
* added get_month_events method
* README changes
* fixed several places that caused UnicodeDecodeError
* fixed a bug involving events flowing over months
* fixed some tests
* + more? (sorry if I missed something)
* added a test for Yaroslav's 'events flowing over months' bug fix
* Tox can now run tests again Django 1.7
* Travis CI now tests against Django 1.7
* fixed a bug involving out-of-range days
* added AUTHORS file

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