* Update CI suite to run against all supported Django and Python versions * Resolve Django 4.0 deprecation warnings * Clean up packaging and binary and source distributions
* Django 2.1 compatibility, see https://pypi.org/project/django-hijack/2.1.10/
* Add Danish translations * add conditional to use is_authenticated property when django >= 1.10 * use django MiddlewareMixin to support new style Middleware * added tests for HijackRemoteUserMiddleware
* Add Slovak and Russian localization
* added Django 2.0 Support (149) * Remove deprecated signals from version 1 (115) * mini-css-fix: avoid content to be hidden by the fixed notification warning (125) * Spaces mustn't be contained in email (148)
* Added support for Django 1.11 * Reworked tox and travis setup