**Python and Django versions supported:**
- This version will be the last to support Django 1.3.
- This version will be the last to support Python 2.6. Though it may still work for the time being, it will be removed from the tested setups.
**New features:**
- Abstract models are now supported (180).
- New [TranslationFormset](http://django-hvad.readthedocs.org/en/latest/public/forms.htmltranslationformset) allows building a formset to work on an instance's translations (157).
- Method `language()` now accepts the special value `'all'`, allowing the query to consider all translations (181).
- Django 1.6+'s new methods `datetimes()` and `earliest()` are now available (175).
- The `select_related()` method is no longer limited to 1-level depth, and is now consistent with the semantics of regular Django querysets (192).
- Django-hvad messages are now available in Italian (178).
- Calls to `language(None)` to use the current language now defer language resolution until the query is
evaluated. It can therefore be used in form definitions directly, for instance for passing a custom queryset to a ModelChoiceField (171).
- Similarly, `use_fallbacks()` can now be passed `None` as one of the fallbacks, and it will be replaced with current language at query evaluation time.
- All queryset classes used by `TranslationManager` can now be customized through the new `fallback_class` and `default_class` attributes.
- The `Meta.ordering` model setting is now supported on translatable models. It accepts both translated and shared fields, with some restrictions (185, 12).
**Deprecation list:**
- The deprecated `nani` module was removed.
- Method `using_translations()` is now deprecated. It can be safely replaced by `language()`.
- Overriding the language in `get()` and `filter()` is deprecated. Either use `language()` to set the correct language, or specify `language('all')` to filter manually through `get` and `filter` (182).
- The `TranslationFallbackManager` is deprecated and will be removed in next release. Please use manager's `untranslated()` method instead.
Using the old name will still work for now, but get removed in next version.
- CSS class `nani-language-tabs` in admin templates was renamed to `hvad-language-tabs`. Entities will bear both classes until next version.
- Private `_real_manager` and `_fallback_manager` attributes of `TranslationQueryset` have been removed as the indirection served no real purpose.
- The `TranslatableModelBase` metaclass is no longer necessary and will be removed in next release. hvad no longer triggers metaclass conflicts and `TranslatableModelBase` can be safely dropped (188).
- Method `latest()` now works when passed no field name, properly getting the field name from the model's `get_latest_by` option.
- `FallbackQueryset` now leverages the better control on queries allowed in Django 1.6 and newer to use only one query to resolve fallbacks. Old behavior can be forced by adding `HVAD_LEGACY_FALLBACKS = True` to your settings.
- Assigning value to translatable foreign keys through its `*_id` field no longer results in assigned value being ignored (193).
- Tests were refactored to fully support PostgreSQL – (194)