- Provide documentation for the package. This includes Sphinx
documentation hosted on ReadTheDocs.org, (`26`_, `29`_), but also
documents to help contribute to github more easily (`26`_) as well as
a code of conduct (`26`_). The Read Me includes badges (`26`_).
- In the event the documentation isn't enough, the project now includes
an example project demonstrating integration of django-improved-user
with Django as well as django-registration. (`28`_) This content is
used to create some of the documentation (`29`_).
- Bugfix: The ``UserManager`` was setting the ``last_login`` attribute
of new users at creation time. Reported in `25`_, fixed in `27`_
(``last_login`` is ``None`` until the user actually logs in).
.. _25: https://github.com/jambonrose/django-improved-user/issues/25
.. _26: https://github.com/jambonrose/django-improved-user/pull/26
.. _27: https://github.com/jambonrose/django-improved-user/pull/27
.. _28: https://github.com/jambonrose/django-improved-user/pull/28
.. _29: https://github.com/jambonrose/django-improved-user/pull/29