- Fix history page for those with a custom user model - Add user defined title to login page - Allow customisation of default app / model icons - Allow globally defined icons to apply to custom links / user menu links - Fix naming of top menu items (Use verbose name instead)
- Adds in demo app - Fix inline form editing - slightly re-strucure base template for less problematic overiding - Make admin forms with no fieldsets render without tabs
- Restyle history page and timeline to make them look more jazzy - Keep selects consistent throughout the project - Add more models to the test application to cover m2m relationships, autocomplete fields and other stuff. - Minor bugfixes
- Jazz up the admin docs (https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/admin/admindocs/) - Responsive design tweaks - Allow custom links in user menu (See https://django-jazzmin.readthedocs.io/configuration/) - Minor bug fixes
- Adds UI Builder - Adds supported python versions in package config - Adds more test coverage - Updates documentation at https://django-jazzmin.readthedocs.io
- Allow custom CSS/JS files via jazzmin settings - Minor fixes around UI