* Django 1.3 in requirements * Windmill support was removed (Django 1.4 has a better implementation) * Ignore South migrations by default * Added SLOCCount task * Added Lettuce testing task * Added CSS Lint task * Used xml output format for jslint * Used native pep8 output format
* Do not produce file reports for jtest command by default * Ignore Django apps without models.py file, as in Django test command * Fix jslint_runner.js packaging * Fix coverage file filtering
* Support pep8, Pyflakes, jslint tools * Added jtest command * Allow specify custom test runner * Various fixes, thnk githubbers :)
* Pluggable ci tasks refactoring * Alpha support for windmill tests * Partial python 2.4 compatibility * Renamed to django-jenkins
* Python 2.5 compatibility * Make compatible with latest Pylint only