- Add ``mustacheraw`` tag to insert just the raw text of a mustacehe template. Thanks to Greg Hinch.
- Add ``mustacheich`` tag to insert a mustache script block as icanhaz expects.
- Fixed template reading to explicitly decode template file contents using Django's ``FILE_CHARSET`` setting. Thanks Eduard Iskandarov.
- Fixed template-finding failure with non-normalized directories in ``MUSTACHEJS_DIRS``. Thanks Eduard Iskandarov for report and patch.
- Add the MUSTACHEJS_EXTS configuration variable for specifying the extensions allowed for template files located by the FilesystemFinder (and, by extension, the AppFinder).
- Add a package_data value to the setup call
- Add the MANIFEST.in file itself as an entry in MANIFEST.in.
- Change the name from django-icanhaz to django-mustachejs. - Remove dependency on ICanHaz.js. I like the library, but the maintainers were not responsive enough for now. Use Mustache.js straight, with a little bit of minimal sugar. Templates are rendered to straight Javascript.