* cleanup
* fixed dbtemplates from git
* doc ref changed
* cleanup and dbtemplates
* fixed setup
* cleanup
* removed old requirements
* redactor static to correct location
* enable
* super simple user-auth for now
* fix admin for html
* all auth not now
* dbtemplates for dj 1.8
* discard old select2 version
* fix old descriptor api
* ok select2 is back thanks for new release before 6 hours :D, removed allauth from default deps
* django 1.8 compatibility fixes and features :D, use newest FeinCMS in the default state, flake exclude, use our dbtemplates
* added layout/page
* removed old templates under web module
* change default values for widget dimensions
* collect parent page dimensions
* fix media fixture
* fixtures moved into demo site
* spell fixes
* fix media migrations
* doc ref fix
* use our import loader
* fix page edit
* fix core apps after override, removed lang from core, fixed media admin
* added bootswatch to default supported themes
* fix media
* merge language selector into nav module, media-filer integration
* cleanup modules inside leonardo
* use some core modules as default
* web
* fix eshop deps
* demo site complete
* removed psycopg2 as main dep (reverted from commit 4b0c799bc0393e2af86765afbbad614b23a443f6)
* removed psycopg2 as main dep
* moved core before installation part
* ref duplicity fixed
* cleanup
* travis badge and cleanup
* travis update
* fix pbr version
* switch setup to pbr
* cleanup main urls
* support for easy_thumbnail with sorl thumbnail tag style
* removed unless menu
* collect filer settings to media/settings
* fixes with merge tuples and others etc
* eshop moved to own module, auto load urls from modules
* fixed application create/edit form
* complete demo site
* properly load all widgets
* fixed extras
* fixed bootstrap layout
* textdirection
* redactor plugins
* fix load app settings, media-filer improvements
* widget dimension sliders redactor for text fields fixed sync page theme error
* placeholder and show preview if is ready
* universal fix unicodes
* use non lazy translation
* fix grouped select content type
* cleanup
* render preprended content in delete dialog
* added select2
* changed required horizon-contrib version
* default markup type to RST
* fix delete redirect
* separate create/update forms and initial values for create
* fix edit view
* leonardo redner region, WIDGET create, update, delete
* moved object tools links into common
* fix base
* user login
* demo site
* widget cleans
* less envs
* flake not now
* make native contrib views works
* contextual content
* reafactored page themes loading
* widgets, page layout, demo site data
* fix xstatic
* models cleanups
* xstatic fixes
* cleanup
* blog via module
* fix
* change version of horizon
* cleanup
* fix req extension
* project name fix
* docs
* fixes
* fixes
* fix media
* fix
* branch name fix
* cleanup
* more jobs
* cleanup
* cleanup
* tests
* frontend edit fixes
* remove unless
* requirements fixes
* horizon as web dep
* cleanup
* change getting page themes
* cleanup
* template cleanups
* load leonardo modules by name
* fix
* load common templates, and load settings from all apps
* fix widget templates
* portal removed
* cleanup
* render only selected color scheme
* panel
* widgeting
* fixes
* more widget
* template fixes
* initial value for theme fields
* fix duplicity
* ignore private members and fix widget theme name
* fix html theme
* fix install
* fix
* fix loading template themes
* sync commands split
* fields fixes
* color scheme for page
* main requirements use default
* fx name
* images
* fix setup for doc
* use adminlte layout template instead of his package
* fix render content
* extend correct page template
* first fixes
* fix, limit choices
* model fix
* themes as packages initial implementation
* split base and content widget themes
* more info to admin
* ensure is it right template
* fox wrong packange name
* unless
* bold
* contents
* cleanup
* syntax fix
* bundles
* more extras
* not now
* use page color variations
* more admin
* sync bases
* page color scheme admin
* admin site headings customization
* use feincms-bootstrap customization via module - cleanup
* fixes
* fixes
* fixes
* more navigations
* menu navigations
* headings and item_editor css from emma
* button navigation
* navigation
* model cleanup
* fix for now
* page
* cleanup
* good
* fix
* working for now
* leonardo tags
* page cleans
* col as templatetag
* fix sync pages
* col classes
* clean widget labels
* cleanups
* column classes
* navigation
* page dimensions
* styles
* fix filter on generic fk
* box classes
* page themes sync
* cleanup wireframes
* wirefeame view
* cleanups templates
* fix None
* fix page
* sync output (reverted from commit 5b005fc82a8fcc4551f4ba3ad2b80c986deb0943)
* sync output
* stylung
* page styles
* xstatic requirements into web reqs
* page editor fixes
* item editor fixes
* overwrite editor_js - design fixes
* default value for widget theme
* forms extras
* requirements separation
* static files changed
* separate requirements
* favicon
* fix default
* template fixes
* template changes, registration initial login by type and much more
* overwrite login page
* fix version of admin bootstrap and fix template blocks
* migration documentation, bootstrap admin
* fix tree navigation, and site heading, user login
* propagate force argument into create template
* fix filer-media migrations
* media migrations
* media app
* collect widget styles
* change widgets from classes to objects
* cleanup fields
* markup widget fixes
* admin tune
* make utils module hidden for management command
* filter widget themes, fix widget class name in the sync
* sync page theme + fix calling unicode on proxy object
* load widget themes as management command
* dbtemplates, model fixes
* livesettings removed
* use one method for get fields
* form fields for frontend edit
* fix model inheritence
* template find reimplementation with cache
* move project-site app into APPS, removed migrations, change super order
* migrations configuration
* auto load rewrite registering application choices, remove livesettings
* doc and time series recovery initial
* module text deleted
* news recovery initial
* update
* admin inline fieldsets
* apps with defaults, templates as radiobuttons, fix get_template, auto load modules, cleanups
* forms content with widget remove poll for now
* fix bind
* styles + FA from external source for now
* side bar settings
* template fixes
* new sidebar adminlte frontend edit progress
* add example
* compress options
* frontend edit initial
* widget edit with crispy layouts
* middleware cleanup
* navigation groups, proper web widgets
* one user as initial fixture root:admin
* template changes
* fix
* small model fixes
* install latest
* update
* badges
* added meta, doc - setup, license, contrib etc.
* contrib deps
* reversion not now
* fix adminLTE version
* cleanup and fixes
* site heading widget + web and all class diagrams in graphs
* complete overhaul - renamed to leonardo - web, nav, lang
* move cms/web related stuff to a sane location
* migrate to our Page model, template cleanup and many more changes
* some cleanup
* fix blog requirements
* site domain as not required option
* admin and settings refactoring overrided default admin and settings support bundle of apps
* big progress
* local dir
* local noginore
* final requirements for pre alpha
* update requirements, split base to layout
* horizon 2015 is Dj 1.8 compatible
* req fixes
* cleanup
* complete overhaul, integration of webcms modules and many more
* files
* boardie, filer, and horizon as external applicatio
* template fixes
* template fix
* feincms migrations
* unless bootstrap dep
* catalog done
* catalog detail
* Initial commit