
Latest version: v1.0.6.1

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- new repository address:


- fixed: width for value column in case of long value
- added: option LC_MAX_VISUAL_VALUE_LENGTH (check readme for details)
- some visual changes in history details


- fixed type validation
- added: set default values for checked configs in admin panel (check configs in list, select action "Set selected config rows to default" and press "Go")
- removed default value from list (it's still available on details page)
- added bool flag "is changed"
- Django 3.2 still support as is but not tested all new changes (use Django 4+ if possible)


- added Django <5.1 support
- editor type depending on the config's type instead of config value's type
- added a history of config changes
- new parameter cache TTL in project settings (use `LC_CACHE_TTL = 1 cache TTL in seconds (default = 1)`)
- added default value in admin panel
- postgres dependency removed (for Django >= 4.0)


- added Django 5 support
- removed dependency django-more-admin-filters
- fixed type validation for multi-type configs
- disabled editor, depending on the value type, for multi-type configs (now it works for one-type configs only)
- updated README


- added Python 3.12 support
- added new example of validator with name decorator
- added editor, depending on the value type



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