* Updates for Django up to 4.2 * ``mass_change_view()`` should also call ``get_queryset()`` from ``admin_obj`` (111) * ``mass_edit_view()`` should call ``get_form()`` on ``admin_obj`` (112) * Use the admin obj's hook methods (``get_fieldsets``, etc) instead of the MassAdmin's own (103)
* Fix crashes for models that have `change_form_template` set
* Supports Django 2.1 and newer * Add support for Django up to 4.0
* Remove Django 1.8 support * Add context variables from site's `each_context()` * Russian translation * CSS compatibility with django-filter * optionally disable global action * provide mixin * Add Django 2.2 and 3.0 support
* Add Django 2.1 support * Allow massadmin to be used with a custom AdminSite