------ * Fix parsing of notifications received via POST, which seem to have a different format to those which are received via GET.
------ * Added a missing migration for recent notification changes. * Notifications are now processed either if received via GET or POST. Formerly, only GET was used, but this seems to be changing recently.
* Merged ``STATUS_UNPROCESSED`` and ``STATUS_WITH_UPDATES`` into just ``STATUS_PENDING``. The latter was not actually used as expected, and the overlap was confusing and of little use. * Allow polling Preference statuses via the admin. * Fix crashes when dealing with unknown preferences. * Improved logging for received notifications.
* Notification and callback URLs are now unique per-preference, making it even clearer to identify them by URL. This version keeps backwards compatibility with old URLs (for yet-to-be-paid preferences with old-style URLs). * Notifications now have a direct relationship to the preference they belong to.
* Rename package to ``django-mercadopago``.
* Indicate that this package is being renamed to ``django-mercadopago`` on PyPI. * List ``factory-boy`` as an optional dependency (only if you're using test fixtures).