Packaged from revision 57.
* ADDED: Support for admin prepopulated_fields.
(resolves issue 21)
* ADDED: Support for admin list_editable.
(thanks carl.j.meyer, resolves issue 20)
* ADDED: Preserve the formfield widget of the translated field.
(thanks piquadrat)
* ADDED: Initial support for django-south.
(thanks andrewgodwin, resolves issue 11)
* ADDED: Support for admin inlines, common and generic.
(resolves issue 12 and issue 18)
* FIXED: Admin form validation errors with empty translated values and
(thanks to adamsc, resolves issue 26)
* FIXED: Mangling of untranslated prepopulated fields.
(thanks to carl.j.meyer, resolves issue 25)
* FIXED: Verbose names of translated fields are not translated.
(thanks to carl.j.meyer, resolves issue 24)
* FIXED: Race condition between model import and translation registration in
production by ensuring that models are registered for translation
before TranslationAdmin runs.
(thanks to carl.j.meyer, resolves issue 19)
* FIXED: Added workaround for swallowed ImportErrors by printing a traceback
(resolves issue 17)
* FIXED: Only print debug statements to stdout if the runserver or
runserver_plus management commands are used.
(resolves issue 16)
* FIXED: Removed print statements so that modeltranslation is usable with
(resolves issue 7)
* FIXED: Broken admin fields and fieldsets.
(thanks simoncelen, resolves issue 9)
* FIXED: Creation of db fields with invalid python language code.
(resolves issue 4)
* FIXED: Tests to run from any project.
(thanks carl.j.meyer, resolves issue 6)
* FIXED: Removed unused dependency to content type which can break syncdb.
(thanks carl.j.meyer, resolves issue 1)