* Fixes 164 ManyToMany Non tenant model save issue
Django-Multitenant v3.1.0(March 1, 2023)
* Adds support for Django 4.1
* Adds support for setting tenant automatically for ManyToMany related model
* Fixes invalid error message problem in case of invalid field name
* Adds support for getting models using apps.get_model
* Removes reserved tenant_id limitation by introducing TenantMeta usage
* Introduces ReadTheDocs documentation
Django-Multitenant v3.0.0(December 8, 2021)
* Adds support for Django 4.0
* Drops support for the following EOLed Django and Python versions:
1. Python 2.7
2. Django 1.11
3. Django 3.1
Django-Multitenant v2.4.0(November 11, 2021)
* Backwards migration for `Distribute` migration using `undistribute_table()`
* Adds tests for Django 3.2 and Python 3.9
* Fixes migrations on Django 3.0+
* Fixes aggregations using `annotate`