Date: Tue Nov 3 2015
What's new
- Status page
- Permissions per content type
- Improvements
All changes
- Speed up query (render)
- Change text in content (templates)
- Implement url alias pattern (models)
- Status page (commands, templates, utils, urls, views)
- Permissions per content type (templates, utils, forms, views)
- Tests
- Add get parameters in contact form render (utils)
- Allow attributes for td, th sanitize (utils)
- Improve thumbnail-crop (utils)
- Upgraded ckeditor
- Minor refactoring (utils)
- Fixed minor issue (tests)
- Added order_by to ContentView (views)
- Added permission: Node: view unpublished (models, views, utils, css, migrations)
- Transliterate path_file_name (utils/media, migrations)
- Added ``<br>`` tag (utils/sanitize)
- Upgraded libraries (templates)
- Amended tests
**:warning: Changes that require manual migration actions:**
- Add KEY_PREFIX_ and VERSION_ in memcached setting
.. _KEY_PREFIX: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/topics/cache/cache-key-prefixing
.. _VERSION: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/topics/cache/cache-versioning