Issues caused by **Release 2.0.0 breaking changes** continue to be logged. Please **make sure to carefully read these release notes** before
performing a MAJOR upgrade to 2.x.
These issues both result in `{"error": "invalid_client"}`:
1. The application client secret is now hashed upon save. You must copy it before it is saved. Using the hashed value will fail.
2. `PKCE_REQUIRED` is now `True` by default. You should use PKCE with your client or set `PKCE_REQUIRED=False` if you are unable to fix the client.
If you are going to revert migration 0006 make note that previously hashed client_secret cannot be reverted!
* 1304 Add `OAuth2ExtraTokenMiddleware` for adding access token to request.
See [Setup a provider](https://django-oauth-toolkit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorial/tutorial_03.html#setup-a-provider) in the Tutorial.
* 1273 Performance improvement: Add caching of loading of OIDC private key.
* 1285 Add `post_logout_redirect_uris` field in the [Application Registration form](https://django-oauth-toolkit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/templates.html#application-registration-form-html)
* 1311,1334 (**Security**) Add option to disable client_secret hashing to allow verifying JWTs' signatures when using
[HS256 keys](https://django-oauth-toolkit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/oidc.html#using-hs256-keys).
This means your client secret will be stored in cleartext but is the only way to successfully use HS256 signed JWT's.
* 1350 Support Python 3.12 and Django 5.0
* 1367 Add `code_challenge_methods_supported` property to auto discovery information, per [RFC 8414 section 2](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8414.html#page-7)
* 1328 Adds the ability to [define how to store a user profile](https://django-oauth-toolkit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/oidc.html#define-where-to-store-the-profile).
* 1292 Interpret `EXP` in AccessToken always as UTC instead of (possibly) local timezone.
Use setting `AUTHENTICATION_SERVER_EXP_TIME_ZONE` to enable different time zone in case the remote
authentication server does not provide EXP in UTC.
* 1323 Fix instructions in [documentation](https://django-oauth-toolkit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting_started.html#authorization-code)
on how to create a code challenge and code verifier
* 1284 Fix a 500 error when trying to logout with no id_token_hint even if the browser session already expired.
* 1296 Added reverse function in migration `0006_alter_application_client_secret`. Note that reversing this migration cannot undo a hashed `client_secret`.
* 1345 Fix encapsulation for Redirect URI scheme validation. Deprecates `RedirectURIValidator` in favor of `AllowedURIValidator`.
* 1357 Move import of setting_changed signal from test to django core modules.
* 1361 Fix prompt=none redirects to login screen
* 1380 Fix AttributeError in OAuth2ExtraTokenMiddleware when a custom AccessToken model is used.
* 1288 Fix 1276 which attempted to resolve 1092 for requests that don't have a client_secret per [RFC 6749 4.1.1](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6749.html#section-4.1.1)
* 1337 Gracefully handle expired or deleted refresh tokens, in `validate_user`.
* Various documentation improvements: 1410, 1408, 1405, 1399, 1401, 1396, 1375, 1162, 1315, 1307
* 1350 Remove support for Python 3.7 and Django 2.2