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* chore(ci): upgrade python-semantic-release to v9.8.8 (176)

There have been a lot of releases since v8.0.8

The breaking change was dropping Python 3.7. While this project supports
3.7... that will change the next opportunity ([`50a03af`](

* chore: update Django/Python test matrix and add classifier for py3.12 (171) ([`ad3b898`](

* chore: add Django v5 to CI matrix (166) ([`b63aac1`](


* docs: add Django Modal Actions as a similar package (173)

Adding new Django Modal Actions package
Deleting Django Object Actions which hasn&39;t had a commit in 3 years ([`813687e`](


* feat: add a way to make a POST only action (174)

Followup to 168 to get CI to pass again, documents how to make a POST
only action, and adds some test coverage.

There are still a few cleanup issues but this should get things moving
on POST only actions again. ([`494d581`](


* style: apply Black formatting (170) ([`fb3ce5b`](


* wip to select GET or POST for actions (168)

Another try at enforcing POST actions. This change is more gradual than
149 - when library user doesn&39;t change default options the behavior is
exactly the same as before the change, that is:

1. Action buttons send GET requests
2. Action handlers accept GET and POST requests

However, user can change this behavior using `methods` and `button_type`
kwargs. For example `action(methods=[&39;POST&39;], button_type=&39;form&39;)`
results in

1. Action button sends POST requests
2. Action handler accepts only POST request

Unfortunately I have this tested only within my project. Also the docs
are missing.

And one more thing - I think it is better to use `<input type=&34;submit&34;>`
instead of js to submit the form. This js is need to make the buttons
look the same in both versions. With proper CSS (that is beyond my
ability to write ;) ) js is avoidable and we could be using pretty
semantic html submit button. I took the form button template from 149. ([`1274ae7`](



* chore(deps): refresh dev dependencies (158)

Also moves Coverage config to `pyproject.toml` to eliminate another top
level project file ([`7d439b6`](

* chore(ci): add Django 4.2 to the build matrix (154) ([`e73b4d0`](

* chore: fix formatting in example app (155)

Ran black on to comply with format from 23.x version ([`9bd288f`](

* chore(ci): remove deprecated set-output syntax (146)

fixes deprecation warnings in CI:
> The `set-output` command is deprecated and will be disabled soon.
Please upgrade to using Environment Files. For more information see: ([`3e42b3b`](

* chore(ci): upgrade python-semantic-release (145)

Hopefully this fixes the broken GitHub Action too
`error: No module named &39;packaging&39;`

closes 144 ([`53417a0`](


* docs: update README style (157)

To reduce future diffs from autoformat ([`f92464e`](


* feat: test release for new python-semantic-release process (159)

Just upgrading to stay current. Need to use &34;feat&34; to trigger a release.

- ([`6af5f36`](


* fix(ci): maybe this will fix Semantic Release (161) ([`1595348`](

* fix(ci): update [tool.semantic_release] names (160)

I missed some updated config changes
- ([`70d2c81`](



* chore(ci): add Python 3.11 and Django 4.1 to CI (143)

Just some housekeeping and local dev tweaks. ([`10e4743`](


* feat: provide action decorator to pass label, description and atts to the admin method (141)

Add an `action` decorator that behave&39;s like Django&39;s `admin.action` decorator[^1] to clean up customizing object actions.

[closes 115](

Also relates to 107

[^1]: ([`5638f99`](


* fix: fix link to ci.yml in README (139)

Fix README link to ci.yml ([`700dd9b`](



* feat!: drop Python 3.6 support (135)

BREAKING CHANGE: Python 3.6 is past end-of-life and is no longer supported. Keeping it in `pyproject.toml` was causing pains trying to install packages. Let&39;s drop it while we&39;re dropping support for other old stuff. ([`8deebed`](


* chore(deps): refresh dev deps and refactor CI (132)

This updates CI to use to simplify the config file. Poetry's lock file updated as I reinstalled on a new computer. ([`6283e62`](


* docs: add Django4.0 to CI (133)

* upgrade some more deps

* add django 4.0 to ci

* cleanup ci for Black

* fix poetry&39;s python version conflicts with CI version ([`20e2418`](


* fix: cleanup Django compatibility shims for <2.0 (126) ([`88cfb3b`](


I really need to drop support for old versions now. Lots of deps are starting to step on each other and drop things. Django itself doesn&39;t support Django 3.0 anymore with the release of Django 3.2 ([`e473bc3`](


* refactor: Use django.urls.re_path instead of deprecated django.conf.urls.url (112)

Use `django.urls.re_path()` when available, instead of the deprecated `django.conf.urls.url()`.

* `re_path()` is available since Django 2.0.
* `url()` will be removed in Django 4.0. ([`9bb736a`](



* chore(ci): run some tests using Poetry build instead of source (129)

To verify that it&39;s getting packaged correctly. In particular, I need to make sure the `.html` files are in the package. ([`c24c299`](


* feat(ci): add manual semantic-release (128)

I&39;ll switch it to be automated on push to `master` at some point. ([`f43fd11`](

* feat: Add Python 3.9 & 3.10 support

* ci: add Python 3.9-310 to the build

* fix: support Python 3.9-3.10 in trove classifiers ([`28f0ef7`](


* fix: fix typo in version_variable (130)

Fix &34;error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: &39;django-object-actions/;&34; error when creating a release ([`040a802`](


* refactor: switch to Poetry for env+dep management (127)

I&39;ve been using Poetry because it takes the hassle out of virtualenv management and has sane defaults that just work for building artifacts and uploading to PyPI.

Because I had to redo how tests were run, I went ahead and removed the Tox testing requirement too and so I had to redo the Github Actions for testing too.

One thing I didn&39;t anticipate is that Github Actions caching doesn&39;t work for Poetry, only with `requirements.txt` and Pipenv

Verifying the change
I compared `python build` vs `poetry build` and the only difference was some top level meta differences and Poetry added the `tests` directory which is fine. Both have the `.html` templates which is the important thing. ([`f16cb00`](


* Migrate CI to GitHub actions (122)

TravisCI stopped building 7 months ago, migrate to GitHub actions which seems to be the default choice these days. Some comments about this change:

- I tried to keep the build matrix close to how it was but [the build failed]( for Django<2, so I've dropped these versions.
- Python 3.5 reached the end of its life on September 13th, 2020, so I&39;ve dropped it as well.
- The build status isn&39;t reported in this PR because it&39;s a new workflow added from a fork, and GitHub doesn&39;t run it for security reasons. You can see the [build results in my fork](
- I didn&39;t bother trying to add new versions for now, can be done separately. ([`4340c89`](

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