------------------ * rm signal on xform to allow upload xls and convert xls to xml * redirect page after xls2xml done
------------------ * date format in template * model ordering * add DB error catch in load_submit_data
------------------ * Issues with PyPi new version not visisble * load_submit_data Issues * Add blank line in create_model methods * Add post-save signal XForm creation to set all xml_fields: xml_content, form_id, version & title * Adapt _set methods of XForm
------------------ * ReadMe corrections * Add xfs OneToOneField field between final model and odk.XFormSubmit * Add 'doc' and 'xform_sample' folder * Bug in odk.admin for action: xformsubmit_load_data * Add post-save signal on XFormSubmit model * Change gettext into gettext_lazy in odk.models * Add functions in odkdata.create_model * Adapt messages for Submitted forms query set (odk.admin.py)
------------------ * Add 'doc' and 'xform_sample' folder
------------------ * make xml_content and created_by field as null in order to upload and then process! * force odkdata/migrations & odkdata/models to git * add is_odk_admin check in template * change message when error App does not exist in model