Testing 1. Using GitHub Actions instead of Travis CI
Requirements 1. Removed python 2.7 from testing 2. Removed `six` and `pytz` from requirements 3. `typing` library is now installed for python before 3.5 only 4. Require `psycopg2-binary` instead of `psycopg2`
Features Added create_returning method to Manager and QuerySet
Bug fixes Fixed [issue 20](20): save_returning() failed when inserting data
Tests Added tests on basic Model.save() method to ensure it has not been broken
Testing 1. Replaced Python 3.4 with python 3.8 testing 2. Replaced PostgreSQL 9.3 with PostgreSQL 12 testing
Bug fixes 1. Fixed a library update bug with UpdateReturningModel, if model has been pickled without library required field
Bug fixes 1. Fixed [issue of using non-id primary key](https://github.com/M1hacka/django-pg-returning/issues/16) by [Marco Falcioni](https://github.com/marcofalcioni)