* Fixed an error with quotes (french translation) in upload.html.
* Updated translations.
* FileObject now returns path (with __unicode__ and __str__), instead of filename. This is needed because otherwise form.has_changed will always be triggerde when using a FileBrowseField.
* Fixed a bug with versions and "f referenced before assignment" (e.g. when an image is being deleted)
* Updated docs (warning that FILEBROWSER_MEDIA_ROOT and FILEBROWSER_MEDIA_URL will be removed with the next major release – use custom storage engine instead).
* Fixed issue with MEDIA_URL hardcoded in tests.
* Fixed issue when MEDIA_URL starts with https://.
* Fixed issue with default-site (if no site is given).
* Fixed bug with using L10N and MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE in upload.html.
* Fixed small bug with importing Http404 in sites.py.
* Fixed bug with Fileobject.exists.