- Add django-appconf to required packages
- RedirectView fixes - kike721
- Spanish translations - kike721
- Use AppConf for pagination settings - kike721
- Enforce that feed urls can only request supported mime types.
- Make feed_urs more generic by removing /itunes/. Redirect old style.
- Make django-licenses optional
- Drop bundled AutoSlug and use django-autoslug
- Rename the newly added Video class to EmbedMedia, and build in
support for django-embed-video for easy embedding of SoundCloud, Vimeo
and YouTube files on Episode detail pages.
- Add a show.on_itunes boolean and relax required fields to allow
simpler user forms when not publishing to iTunes.
- Testing on Python3
- Move runtests.py to homedir, drop django-nose and add test support
for Django 1.7, add coverage and version badges.
- Extend full support to easy-thumbnails and sorl
- Extend the Admin widget to support sorl, imagekit, easy-thumbnails and css for thumbnailing.
- Add a simple Video model for attaching extrnal video-urls to an
- Add more mime type choices for enclosures.
- Upgrade imagekit to 3.0.4
- Bump python-twitter to 1.0 and django-taggit to 0.10a1
- Remove settings.SITE_ID default from Site field.
- Setup Travis CI.
- Flake8.
- Support Django 1.5's customizable user model. This change makes
django-podacasting usuable only on Django versions 1.4 LTS and greater.
- Fix autoslug
- Fix for non ImageKit installs
- Support Django 1.4's timezone-aware datetimes