- Adds SEP-6 and 12 support
- Deploy each supported SEP (1, 6, 10, 12, 24) independently.
- For example, you could run Polaris strictly with SEP-1 and SEP-10
- Removes `django-compressor`, `django-sass-processor`, and `libsass` from requirements
- `sass_processor` should no longer be listed in `INSTALLED_APPS`
- `SASS_PROCESSOR_ROOT` and `STATICFILES_FINDERS` settings are no longer needed
- Upgrades `stellar-sdk` to 2.4.0
- This is necessary to support Protocol 13
**Breaking Changes**
- `ACTIVE_SEPS` must be present in your settings file.
- It must contain the SEPs you wish to run, ex. `["sep-1", "sep-10", "sep-24"]`
- `SIGNING_SEED` environment variable is required
- This used to default to the anchored asset's distribution account
- Custom static assets overriding static assets from Polaris must be placed under a `polaris` subdirectory within your static files directory
**Database Migrations**
- Adds `distribution_seed` column and `distribution_account` property to `Asset` model
- When running migrations, these columns will be populated from the now unused `ASSETS` environment variables, if present
- `sep24_enabled` and `sep6_enabled` columns added to `Asset` model
- All existing assets will be sep-24 enabled when running migrations
- `protocol` column added to `Transaction` model
- use of `ASSETS`, `*_DISTRIBUTION_ACCOUNT_SEED`, and `*_ISSUER_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS` environment variables are removed
- These have been replaced by the `distribution_seed` and `issuer` database columns
- `DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE` setting is no longer used
- All SEP-24 endpoints have been moved under a `/sep24` argument path. This was done so they would not conflict with endpoints from SEP-6, which are under a `/sep6` path